Mr. Kay's Blog

The day to day happenings of a 6th grade classroom teacher

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big sister, big brother

Posted by willkay on September 21, 2012

One thing we do in the sixth grade is “adopt” a first grader. School can sometimes be a big, scary place, especially when you are five. So, we ask the sixth graders to become a “big sister / big brother” to a first grader. For the first grade student it means that there is always someone bigger on the playground, who will look out for them. And for the sixth grade student it means that they get some sense of responsibility, and a chance to look out for someone smaller than them. Today was the first event, a “getting to know you” moment. Cards were exchanged, presents were given, and pizza and juice were drunk. There are pictures of the event here.

Maths review. Maths review. Maths review. Oh, assembly practice for 6B. The real business of being in the sixth grade starts on Monday. Six exams in a week and a day. Mrs. Kay and I are confident that every question has been studied, every student knows how to answer the questions, everything is prepared. Now it is just down to the student themselves – how much they study, how much they prepare, how much they want a good grade.

Have a good weekend – but STUDY. I shall see you on Sunday at the IceBreakerInThePark, so long as you are there early. Or else you can catch me later in the day at The Shakespeare Grille eating fish, chips, and mushy peas. I am quite excited about Sunday – not just the IceBreakerInThePark nor the chance to eat fish, chips, and mushy peas…but Mrs. Kay has promised me a present. A present from The Apple Store. I might not sleep tonight – too excited.

5 Responses to “big sister, big brother”

  1. i really enjoyed today with our new “sisters” and “brothers” i was really fun

  2. Glad to see the students fraternizing!

  3. Dolores Macias said

    Una excelente forma de darles la bienvenida al mundo de los niños grandes y los grandes desarrolar sentido de responsabilidad . Saludos !

  4. vianettec said

    I really like this activity! Cant wait for the next one!

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